· pastor jim reflects · 2 min read

The Holy Spirit at Mount Zion

When Jesus is talking to Nicodemus in Chapter 3 of the gospel of John He talks about the mysterious ways of the Spirit.

Humans give life to their children. Yet only God’s Spirit can change you into a child of God. Don’t be surprised when I say that you must be born from above. Only God’s Spirit gives new life. The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to. You can hear the wind, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going.

In Christian circles, we talk a lot more about God The Father and God the Son then we do about God the Spirit. Yet, God the Spirit is always moving around us, through us and in us.

God the Spirit gave us just the right team to pull off an incredible Vacation Bible School. We learned about trusting God whenever we are afraid. With each child of God moving as the Spirit led, we helped 25 or so campers enjoy a great dinner, the opening program, music, art, recreation and lesson time. We didn’t all know what every other person was doing, but that was okay. The Holy Spirit led us as individuals to show and teach the campers what God is like.

I think this is one of the reasons God tells us to be a part of a church family and not just worship alone. Together we learn about how God can make beautiful things out of what may at times seem confusing. Together we can testify how the Spirit has blessed our lives. Together we can praise God for all of God’s goodness even though as individuals we have challenges and disappointments every week. When we gather together, God promises to be in our midst.

I look forward to what God will continue to teach us all and do through the ministry of MTZ Church: Together.

In Christ’s Service, Pastor Jim Simonds, Mt. Zion UCC

336-682-9649 | pastorszion@gmail.com

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