· pastor jim reflects · 1 min read

Am I a Good Sheep?

They talk of Jesus being our Good Shepherd

The closest Jesus came to death before the cross, may well have been I spoke on April 21 about the Good Shepherd. The scriptures for the day were Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18. They talk of Jesus being our Good Shepherd. I wonder sometimes if my complaining about God not being good enough of a shepherd is really a problem of me not being a good enough sheep.

Do I accept the care God is offering? Do I allow God to heal me? Do I slow down enough to be a good sheep?

Thinking about those things, I wrote a morning prayer where we prayed the words of Psalm 23. In it, we asked God to help us be good sheep. I’m including it here in the newsletter as a potential resource for your prayer life also. May God teach all of us to be good sheep. May MTZ be a flock of people who know what it means to let the Good Shepherd help us.

Heal us. Make us whole.


Rev. Jim Simonds

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